The Didactic and Interactive Science Museum (MUDIC) has held workshops related to mathematics at the IES Vega Baja in Callosa de Segura on Monday, March 11 and Tuesday, March 12, 2024. These activities are framed in the actions “Workshops at schools ”, in which the...
From March 13th to 15th, the sixth edition of the “Festival of Scientific Culture” took place at the “Caminiti Trimarchi” high school in Giardini Naxos (ME). This year the theme of the Festival was “De Rerum Natura”. Themes relating...
Lebanese researcher Najat A. Saliba receiving the Mediterranean Science Team T-shirt. The Mediterranean Science Team 2023 Gala opened with the delicate sound of a small stringed instrument, a kemence, whose origin is attributed in equal parts to Greeks and Turks. 11...
On October Inmaculada Simón and Marina Alfosea motivated the students of Montserrat Roig High School to pursue higher studies in scientific careers. They stongly motivated the students, and showed the current research duties and details about the research. The...
We often perceive science and art as two unrelated, perhaps even contradictory concepts. However, when these two worlds come together, true magic happens – innovation is born. At this year’s Athens Science Festival, we invite you to attend art exhibitions that...
This party for science will culminate on 29 September in the framework of the “European Researchers’ Night” First PARAGRAPH for each entity Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey and France are the six Mediterranean countries that make up...