On 30th May 2024, in the Campagna Room of the Department of Political and Legal Sciences of the University of Messina, the third meeting of the Orientajunior project took place, organized by Maria Francesca Tommasini and aimed at primary school children. For the...
The Didactic and Interactive Science Museum (MUDIC) returned to this educational center in Callosa de Segura on April 11 to continue carrying out its offer of scientific workshops. In the previous month of March, 90 students from 2nd year of ESO participated in the...
From March 13th to 15th, the sixth edition of the “Festival of Scientific Culture” took place at the “Caminiti Trimarchi” high school in Giardini Naxos (ME). This year the theme of the Festival was “De Rerum Natura”. Themes relating...
On October Inmaculada Simón and Marina Alfosea motivated the students of Montserrat Roig High School to pursue higher studies in scientific careers. They stongly motivated the students, and showed the current research duties and details about the research. The...
• Personal investigador de Fisabio ha planteado cinco retos científicos a alumnado de centros educativos de poblaciones valencianas• Los/las estudiantes han desarrollado investigaciones para resolver los retos planteados y han expuesto los resultados en un evento...
On 23rd May 2023, between 10:00 and 19:00, in one of the main parks of the city of Messina, Villa Dante, the Sustainability Festival took place, organized by AMAM SpA, Messina Social City, Messinaservizi Bene Comune, ATM SpA and the Regional School Office. The...