Exhibitions of scientific women in Orihuela
The MUDIC, in collaboration with EPSO, offered two exhibitions on women scientists in commemoration of March 8, International Women’s Day. They could be visited in the EPSO Tudemir building between March 8 and 15, 2024.
Exhibition “Mediterranean Women for Health”
From 13th to 21st March 2024 the exhibition “Mediterranean Women for Health” was exhibited at the “Caminiti Trimarchi” high school in Giardini Naxos, on the occasion of the VI Edition of the Science Festival.
The Didactic and Interactive Science Museum (MUDIC) has held workshops related to mathematics at the IES Vega Baja in Callosa de Segura on Monday, March 11 and Tuesday, March 12, 2024. These activities are framed in the actions “Workshops at schools ”, in which the...
“Festival of Scientific Culture” – High School “Caminiti Trimarchi” Giardini Naxos (ME) – 13th March 2024
From March 13th to 15th, the sixth edition of the “Festival of Scientific Culture” took place at the “Caminiti Trimarchi” high school in Giardini Naxos (ME). This year the theme of the Festival was “De Rerum Natura”.
MEDNIGHT internationalises its team and is funded by the European Commission
On March 8th started the 5th edition of "Mediterranean Researchers' Night" or MEDNIGHT, a project funded by the European Union that aims to show the friendlier side of science that is carried out in Mediterranean countries to young people and adults. MEDNIGHT, which...
Challenge: Mediterranean wave
In order to make visible Mediterranean Science we propose ourselves a challenge, in which we need your help. We want to perform a human wave in research centers form Algeciras to Istambul. Beginning from the European side for this 2022 and coming back from the African...
The Mediterranean Science Team 2023 Gala in Istanbul; “Every voice matters”.
Lebanese researcher Najat A. Saliba receiving the Mediterranean Science Team T-shirt. The Mediterranean Science Team 2023 Gala opened with the delicate sound of a small stringed instrument, a kemence, whose origin is attributed in equal parts to Greeks and Turks. 11...
11 women in MEDNIGHT’s Mediterranean Science Team 2023
MEDNIGHT presents the all-female Mediterranean Science Team in Istanbul Jointly organised by European Women Rectors Association & Kadir Has University A team of 11 scientists from the Mediterranean will be honoured on the 2nd of November 2023, 13.00 (CET) at...
On October Inmaculada Simón and Marina Alfosea motivated the students of Montserrat Roig High School to pursue higher studies in scientific careers. They stongly motivated the students, and showed the current research duties and details about the research. The...
Proud to be part of the Athens Science Festival 2023
We often perceive science and art as two unrelated, perhaps even contradictory concepts. However, when these two worlds come together, true magic happens – innovation is born. At this year’s Athens Science Festival, we invite you to attend art exhibitions that...
All set for the Mediterranean Researchers’ Night
This party for science will culminate on 29 September in the framework of the "European Researchers’ Night" First PARAGRAPH for each entity Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey and France are the six Mediterranean countries that make up "Mediterranean Researchers'...
Hundreds of Mediterranean researchers show their work to citizens at MEDNIGHT
YOUR CITY joins more than 400 European cities in celebrating the great European celebration of scienceAll the information on "Mediterranean Researchers' Night" can be found at https://mednight.eu PARAGRAPH TO BE COMLETED FOR EACH PARTNER Today, 29 September, YOUR CITY...
La exposición ‘Mujeres mediterráneas por la salud’ rinde homenaje a mujeres del siglo XX y XXI que han dejado huella por sus aportaciones profesionales
Alicante, 11 de septiembre de 2023 El Centro social Isla de Cuba de Alicante acoge la exposición ‘Mujeres mediterráneas por la salud’ hasta el 29 de septiembre en el marco del proyecto europeo Mednight La muestra, de entrada libre, es un homenaje a las mujeres del...
A new climate law in the Balearic Islands will protect the wellbeing of present and future generations – if such thing can be defined
The Mediterranean is one of the most climate vulnerable regions in the world, with temperatures rising 20% faster than the global average. In the Balearic Islands, this means that by 2100 the temperature could have increased by 3-5ºC and the...
Don’t risk the health of your eyes this summer – how to correctly choose sunglasses and avoid swimming pool infections
At this time of year many of us are enjoying or about to enjoy holidays – day trips, the beach, the mountains, a change of scene. Even if we don’t leave our home, summer brings with it a number of risks that can affect the health of our eyes and can spoil the season...