The Department of Geography of the Aegean University has designed a workshop about: Smart environmental data recorders (IoT), Agent Based Models and population evacuation modelling for emergency conditions. The workshop will be held for schools at Aegean University....
In this workshop, students will be trained in the Marine Geology Laboratory in the method of determining the composition of the seabed sediments on which a variety of organisms live and on which cables, pipelines, platforms, etc. are placed. They will also be trained...
The Department of Marine Sciences of the Aegean University has designed an exhibition of the sonar systems and underwater guided vehicles (R.O.V.) used for bottom mapping and visual inspection. The exhibition will be held for the general public in a central location...
In this workshop, students will learn about the endemic and exotic fishes of the Greek seas from the museum collection of the ichthyology laboratory which has preserved specimens. They will also discover how to calculate the age of fish using a stereoscope and...
“Mind the Lab”, inspired by the well-known “mind the Gap” notice in the metro stations, is a transnational, breakthrough science communication approach that aims to bring science to the general public and targets all group ages. This “Mind the Lab” will take place at...