In the early hours of 6 February, an earthquake of magnitude 7.8 was followed just eleven minutes later by an aftershock of magnitude 6.7. A few hours later, an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 – and occurring relatively close to the first quake – but...
Fishes are the first vertebrates from which it is possible tracing a common thread that, passing through all classes, reaches humankind. Phylogenetic cell characterization is useful to understand the shape and function of cells. This proposal aims to underline the...
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a tropical freshwater fish of the cyprinid family, considered a welle stablished animal model in scientific research for ecotoxicological studies, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer research. During the Mednight day, a stand will be set up...
Ulva Lactuca represents a great natural resource that occurs spontaneously in the Lake of Ganzirri, but its sustainable use and possible effectiveness can be exploited? This seaweed contains a significant amount of micro- and macronutrients such as minerals, trace...