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Dr. Tania Fleitas visits Benavites school

Dr. Tania Fleitas visits Benavites school

"They welcomed us as if it was the most beautiful thing in their lives. I will never forget the experience. They were very special". With these words Dr. Tania Fleitas Kanonnikoff, researcher at INCLIVA in the gastric cancer field, recalls her visit to the Benavites...

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Expert Voices

Ana Molina

Investigadora de los determinantes sociales del cáncer en FISABIO-Salud Pública

Anthropology and History, Diet and health, Fundación Fisabio, Life and health
Clara Cavero

Coordinadora e investigadora del Área de Investigación en Enfermedades Raras de Fisabio

Fundación Fisabio, Life and health, Women scientists