On October Inmaculada Simón and Marina Alfosea motivated the students of Montserrat Roig High School to pursue higher studies in scientific careers. They stongly motivated the students, and showed the current research duties and details about the research. The...
With Mind the Lab, a transversal activity coordinated by SciCo Greece, we will bring local citizens and visitors applications and contributions of science, as they have never seen before. A two-hour activity is planned, with two 55-minute sessions each, containing 8...
In May Students from Haygon High School visited the IDiBE facilities. They were guided by Luis Pérez García-Estañ, Javier Gómez Pérez and Enrique Rodríguez Cañas. The students were motivated about the scientific career. During the visit, the students talked with...
Paloma Alonso Magdalena will motivate the students of Santa María School regarding the scientific career. The motivations, anecdotes and decisions in his career are a baggage that will serve the students as an example. She will show the important contribution of...