Mind the Lab

Mind the Lab

“Mind the Lab”, inspired by the well-known “mind the Gap” notice in the metro stations, is a transnational, breakthrough science communication approach that aims to bring science to the general public and targets all group ages. This “Mind the Lab” will take place at...
Is there oxygen in the sea? Let’s measure it….

Is there oxygen in the sea? Let’s measure it….

In the chemistry laboratory of the Department of Marine Sciences, students are informed about the most important parameter of the quality of a mass of water, the dissolved oxygen gas in seawater. Reference is made to how seawater samples are collected and to the...
Demonstration of the Hololens 2 headset

Demonstration of the Hololens 2 headset

Demonstration of the Hololens 2 augmented reality head-mounted device with results from research projects of the Intelligent Systems Laboratory. The demostration will be held for the general public in a central location of Mytilene city (Sappho Square) Organizer:...