The Mednight initiative is thrilled to announce the release of Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition, a captivating new book that introduces children under 12 to the wonders of Mediterranean science. This collection features the stories of the winners of the IV...
At Mednight, we are committed to equality and the transformative power of science. To celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (February 11th), we are launching a special initiative: Inspiring the Next Generation In the seven countries where...
4600 Activities in 50+ Countries: We are very happy to announce that the 2024 STEM Discovery Campaign was the largest ever! We are very pleased to share the results of this year’s campaign: Activities4600Countries50+Teachers100,000+Students500,000+Participants700,000+...
The two MEDNIGHT exhibitions dedicated to Mediterranean women in science were exhibited on May 24th, 25th and 26th during the grassroots culture festival ‘Alacant Desperta’. The festival is a meeting point for locals and visitors to Alicante where they can give free...
March 2024 “MCAA Annual Conference” – Milan, 14th – 16th March 2024 As a first awareness activity, immediately after the official starting of the MEDNIGHT project, Marina Trimarchi from UniME and Ricardo Dominguez from El Caleidoscopio participated to the 10th...
Lebanese researcher Najat A. Saliba receiving the Mediterranean Science Team T-shirt. The Mediterranean Science Team 2023 Gala opened with the delicate sound of a small stringed instrument, a kemence, whose origin is attributed in equal parts to Greeks and Turks. 11...