We will work with the relation between mathmatics and art on this workshop, during the activity the students will practice tessellation and omnipolyhedron
The 4th Young Researchers at Schools International Meeting will take place the next September 26 from 10h to 12h CET (Spanish and Greek language) & September 27 from 9h30 to 12h30 CET (English language). This activity is one of the most popular activities of...
The e-ResLab Aegean is the online Observatory of Technologies and Analyses for Employment and Resilience in the Euro-Med area. The particular objectives of the e-ResLab Aegean are – To study of spatial dimension of the employment transformation. The Observatory...
The Department of Marine Sciences of the Aegean University has designed a workshop about the presentation of characteristic representatives of marine microorganisms, marine flora and macro-fauna species using stereoscopes and microscopes The workshop will be held for...