Kamishibai: The magical art of Japanese storytelling is brought to life by the High School of Livadochori in Lemnos. Students have drawn the pictures and written a story about a penguin who travels the world and conveys a very important message about the environment...
The Senior High School of Moudros has been appointed “Ambassador School” for the European Parliament and during Mednight will present its actions of the past year in order to showcase the value of the European...
The launch of a rocket is very impressive to everyone. Many people want to attend a rocket launch. This may not be an elusive dream. A simple and fun paper rocket launch can be done by anyone, using baking soda and a little vinegar.
Gravity does not have the same value anywhere on earth. As we get closer to the core of the earth, gravity increases. As we move away from the core, gravity decreases, with its average being 9.807m/s2. Is a rocket launch easier at the poles of the earth or at the...
How much toothpaste would an elephant need to brush its teeth? Thanks to the chemical reaction between hydrogen peroxide, a potassium iodide solution and some liquid dish soap, we will create a huge amount of “toothpaste”, enough for an elepha