The Mednight initiative is thrilled to announce the release of Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition, a captivating new book that introduces children under 12 to the wonders of Mediterranean science. This collection features the stories of the winners of the IV...
This party for science will culminate on 29 September in the framework of the “European Researchers’ Night” First PARAGRAPH for each entity Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey and France are the six Mediterranean countries that make up...
YOUR CITY joins more than 400 European cities in celebrating the great European celebration of scienceAll the information on “Mediterranean Researchers’ Night” can be found at PARAGRAPH TO BE COMLETED FOR EACH PARTNER Today, 29...
Alicante, 11 de septiembre de 2023 El Centro social Isla de Cuba de Alicante acoge la exposición ‘Mujeres mediterráneas por la salud’ hasta el 29 de septiembre en el marco del proyecto europeo Mednight La muestra, de entrada libre, es un homenaje a las mujeres del...
The selected stories will be presented in hospitals, nursing homes and migrant reception centers and will be published in a book. The subject has to address some scientific aspect related to the Mediterranean. Registration is open until July 31. 08/05/2023 – The...
El próximo lunes 6 de febrero se inaugura en el Centro social Isla de Cuba de Alicante la exposición ‘Rostros Mediterráneos de la Ciencia’ en el marco del proyecto europeo Mednight que tiene como objetivo visibilizar a mujeres científicas de las regiones del...