The 4th Young Researchers at Schools International Meeting will take place the next September 26 from 10h to 12h CET (Spanish and Greek language) & September 27 from 9h30 to 12h30 CET (English language).
This activity is one of the most popular activities of MEDNIGHT, a project part of the European Researchers’ Night and funded under the EU’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions & Citizens.
In this virtual meeting, young scientists will show their research work, interacting live and answering students’ questions, bringing science closer to hundreds of young people from High Schools and thus promoting their vocations and expanding their knowledge on the subject in question. The meeting will also include keynote presentations by consolidated and pioneering researchers in their field.
The thematic areas of the meeting are: Sea and Pollution, Climate and Clean Energy, Diet and Food, Life and Health, Geology and Biodiversity, Anthropology and History and Future.