Video CoverFlow ‘Apocalipsis 3113’. IES Canónigo Manchón. Crevillent ‘Juntos lo conseguiremos’. Colegio Ntra Señora de La Seo. Xàtiva ‘La Fábrica’. IES La Hoya de Buñol ‘Deixa’m contar-te’. IES La Hoya de Buñol ‘COVITAE’ y ‘La otra cara de la cuarentena’ ‘La Realidad de lo Virtual’. IES Canónigo Manchón. Crevillent ‘Rocko y sus dudas sobre el futuro en la tierra’. Colegio Marqués de Dos Aguas. Bétera (Valencia). ‘Cortometrajes de animación proyecto MOMO’. Colegio Zurbarán. Colmenar Viejo (Madrid) ‘2050, una odisea en el planeta Goku’. Aulario Palmera. CRA Mondúver Safor ‘Volver a tropezar con la misma piedra’. Aulario Palmera (Valencia) CRA Mondúver Safor. ‘Any 2060. La Nova Generació’. CEIP San Juan de Ribera. Alfara del Patriarca ‘Nuestro amigo Rodolfo’. CEIP Segària El Verger (Alicante) ‘Disfruta el planeta’. CEIP Mediterráneo. Pilar de la Horadada (Alicante) ‘Nuestro huerto mediterráneo’. CEIP Mediterráneo. Pilar de la Horadada (Alicante) ‘El desig de Pipo’. CEIP Santa María Magdalena. El Poble Nou de Benitatxell ‘Total, por dos papeles…’. CEIP Virgen de los Dolores. Dolores (Alicante) ¡Cuida tu planeta’. CEIP San Francisco de Asís. Dolores (Alicante) ‘El Muro’. CEIP Cardenall Belluga. Dolores (Alicante) Stop Motion at CEIP Sant Marc Beniarjó and CEIP Vicente Gaos Valencia Stop Motion at CEIP Sant Francesc de Borja de Gandía Escoles Pel Futur Stop Motion in Montserrat, Bétera and IES Ramón Muntaner de Xirivella. MEDNIGHT 2021 | Resum MEDNIGHT 2021 | EU CORNER | Nuria Flames MEDNIGHT 2021 | EU CORNER | César Domingo MEDNIGHT 2021 | EU CORNER | Ana Molina MEDNIGHT 2021 | EU CORNER | Clara Cavero MEDNIGHT 2021 | EU CORNER | Aymara Mas Perucho MEDNIGHT 2021 | EU CORNER | Tania Fleitas MEDNIGHT 2021 | EU CORNER | Mónica Bolufer MEDNIGHT 2021 | EU CORNER | Eugenio Coronado MEDNIGHT 2021 | EU CORNER | Ana Enguídanos Weyler MEDNIGHT 2021 | Nit Mediterrània de les Investigadores Sowing Seeds Virtual Festival Promo Sowing Seeds Promo EXPERIMENTING WITH GASES TO KNOW ITS PROPERTIES GEOGRAPHS AND SCIENCE ARE THERE MICROPLASTICS ON MY BEACH? PLANTS WITH HISTORY: A BOTANICAL TOUR THROUGH THE CAMPUS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE Mednight expedition: the ports of science Gala Mediterranean Science Team THE PICTOGRAM HOUSE IS THERE STARCH IN MY HAM? FEMALE REFERENCES AT VARIOUS EDUCATIONAL LEVELS THROUGH US, BY ROSA MONTERO A WALK THROUGH THE SOLAR SYSTEM AT SCALE ADVANCED MATERIALS FOR CLEAN ENERGIES AND THE CONSERVATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT The Tales of the Mednight. Recreation and representation Chromatography and forensics Blood typing davinci Microplastic Systems Security Laboratory European Researcher’s Night Participation WomenInScience Panel 2021 COVID MYTHS AND TRUTHS Mind The Lab Messina: Experimento 6 Mind The Lab Messina: Experimento 5 Mind The Lab Messina: Experimento 4 BIODIVERSITY AND INSECT CONSERVATION FROM A GENDER PERSPECTIVE VISUAL PERCEPTION AT THE SERVICE OF EVIL WHAT ARE THE AU PLANETARY SCIENCES RESEARCHING? FLIPPING IN COLORS WEATHER OBSERVATION AND CLIMATE DATA PROCESSING Sustainable fires, climate change and desertification Challenge 14. Dynamic Earth Challenge 13. Océano Challenge 12. Space exploration Challenge 11. Artificial intelligence, robotics and data Challenge 10. Complex information Challenge 9. The basic components of the universe Challenge 8. Energy Challenge 7. Global change Challenge 5. Brain Challenge 6. Primary production Challenge 4. Biomedicine Challenge 3. Genome Challenge 2. Origin of life Challenge 1. Global Society COVID-19 Scientific Culture CSIC Corporate Systems Biology: The New Biology Fossils, genomes and the appearance of Homo sapiens Health and nutrition of the future Genes, embryonic development and disease Plant development and immortality What do worms tell us about human depression? Alcoholic beverages: food or poison? From particle physics to cancer diagnosis Mind the lab Messina: Experimento 3 Mind the lab Messina: Experimento 2 Mind the lab Messina: Experimento 1 Mind The Lab. Palermo Mind the Lab. Mallorca Mind The Lab. Cagliari A VERY FUNNY ROLL Equilibrium Colored flames Phenolphthalein Dana: Social consequences Dana: Environmental consequences Dana: Economic consequences Mind The LabCartagena Discovering Artificial Intelligence 2 | Scientific communication workshop | Michele Catanzaro 1 | Scientific communication workshop | Michele Catanzaro THE CHEMISTRY OF SOAP ARCHEOLOGY: DIGGING DEEP INTO HISTORY DESERTS AND DESERTIFICATION: CONCEPTS AND SOLUTIONS TOURISM AND SHOPPING IN THE MEDITERRANEAN: ONLY EUROS? OH WAIT! I SEE I SEE GAME NHALE AND EXHALE: DO YOU KNOW HOW YOUR LUNGS WORK? IS THERE A PLANET B? FORENSIC CRIMINALISTICS: REALITY OR FICTION? Interview Martina Pierdomenico Interview Katerina Harvati Interview Nurcan Tunçbağ Interview Habiba Bouhamed CEIP Virgen de los Dolores, Dolores Colegio Zurbarán, Colmenar Viejo Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Seo, Xativa IES Hoya De Bunyol, Bunyol IES Paco Ruiz, Bigastro CEIP Cardenal Belluga, Dolores CEIP San Francisco de Asís, Dolores CEIP Santa María Magdalena, Poble Nou de Benitatxell IES Montserrat Roig – Elche IES Bernat Guinovart – Algemesí IES Canónigo Manchón – Crevillente IES Josep Segrelles – Albaida IES Oleana – Requena IES Rafal – Rafal IES Ricardo Marín Ibáñez – Cheste IES San Vicente – San Vicente del Raspeig IES Sant Vicent Ferrer – Algemesí IES Canónigo Manchón Crevillente Colegio Parroquial Marques dos Aguas, Bétera CEIP Mediterráneo, Pilar de la Horada CEIP San Juan de Ribera, Alfara del Patriarca CEIP Segaría, El Verger CRA Monuver Safor Aulario Palmera, Palmera
Feb 03 - 21 2025 EXHIBITION THE MARIE CURIES OF THE MEDITERRANEAN – L’Alfas del Pi Casa de Cultura de l'Alfàs del Pi