
Los que hacen posible MEDNIGT

Awareness activities on Lemnos

Awareness activities on Lemnos

As a precursor to what will take place on the 29th of September on Lesvos, several activities were implemented on Lemnos by the Department of Food Science and Nutrition of the Aegean University, under the coordination of SciCo Greece, in the begining of August. The...

Mednight activities take place one more year on Lemnos

Mednight activities take place one more year on Lemnos

Following the success of previous years, the activities of the Mediterranean Researcher's Night - Mednight will peak on the island of Lesvos on 29 September 2023, a day when the celebration of science will take place in more than 400 European cities, including...

Why a holiday is good for you – even before you take time off

Why a holiday is good for you – even before you take time off

You have spent the past few days on a cloud over your forthcoming, well-deserved holidays, and will go back to daydreaming about them as soon as you finish this article. And the truth is that the benefits of a good holiday can be felt even before the trip begins....



Mediterranean Researchers’ Night,MEDNIGHT 2023 The Mediterranean Researchers’ Night, MEDNIGHT 2023, will be held on September 29, 2023. Several Mediterranean countries will come together in a science-related event under a common flag. Mednight promotes Mediterranean...

Exhibition “Mediterranean Women for Health”

Exhibition “Mediterranean Women for Health”

The exhibition was created as part of the MEDNIGHT project, and aims to enhance the role of Mediterranean women in medical research. The exhibition consists of 24 panels dedicated to as many women who have distinguished themselves in the medical field. In the coming...

Toftevaag ship’s log – Part 6

Toftevaag ship’s log – Part 6

Research is most useful when it has concrete implications, being used to inform policies and work alongside stakeholders — crucial to making the right decisions. This is what I discovered during a Mednight-sponsored expedition in the Alboran Sea aboard the Toftevaag,...

Toftevaag ship’s log – Part 5

Toftevaag ship’s log – Part 5

Research is most useful when it has concrete implications, being used to inform policies and work alongside stakeholders — crucial to making the right decisions. This is what I discovered during a Mednight-sponsored expedition in the Alboran Sea aboard the Toftevaag,...

Toftevaag ship’s log – Part 4

Toftevaag ship’s log – Part 4

Research is most useful when it has concrete implications, being used to inform policies and work alongside stakeholders — crucial to making the right decisions. This is what I discovered during a Mednight-sponsored expedition in the Alboran Sea aboard the Toftevaag,...



In May Students from Haygon High School visited the IDiBE facilities. They were guided by Luis Pérez García-Estañ, Javier Gómez Pérez and Enrique Rodríguez Cañas. The students were motivated about the scientific career. During the visit, the students talked with...

Toftevaag ship’s log Part 3

Toftevaag ship’s log Part 3

Research is most useful when it has concrete implications, being used to inform policies and work alongside stakeholders — crucial to making the right decisions. This is what I discovered during a Mednight-sponsored expedition in the Alboran Sea aboard the Toftevaag,...