Mind the Lab: 8 experiments and games to apply science to entertainment. Mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics will be addressed and shown in a highly attractive way. Science and art: Pretty sculptures and artistic expressions with maths and other sciences Domes...
The webserie The Eco-Girls is made by students of Mudic Cinema and will premiere on Friday 30 at 19:30 at La Lonja. It tells the adventures of a group of teenagers who come together to raise awareness about the need to change our actions for the world and achieve...
Light the answer is a question boardgame. When the user matches the correct question to the correct answer, the lightbulb on the game board turns on! Otherwise…everyone stays in the dark!
Light the answer is a question boardgame. When the user matches the correct question to the correct answer, the lightbulb on the game board turns on! Otherwise…everyone stays in the dark!