At the meeting, the researchers will illustrate to the high school students of the HEIs their own professional trajectory and in which they are focusing their research efforts. With the PURPOSE of telling how science is done, its problems and contributions to the...
“The Agustina Enigma” is a bold mixture of radio, cinema and theater in which a summary of the most relevant scientific milestones occurred in Europe in the first third of the twentieth century (with special emphasis on disciplines such as general...
Margarita del Val, whose PhD is in the specialty of biochemistry and molecular biology, with a long career, with great recognition by her as the UEBE José Cardona in 2020. For more than a decade she has been conducting research on the immune response to pathogens and...
With a long career, today he is Director of the Biological Research Center, one of the most outstanding centers of the Higher Council of Scientific Research (CSIC). Enrique de la Rosa will talk about the concept of science, its methodology and how to defend it and...
Science is knowledge and also communication. The way to communicate this knowledge will be through representations, an effective mechanism to reach the entire public. Flying in the Coronascience brings us microbiological aspects of the SARS-COV2 Coronavirus....