We are all used to coping with insect stings in open air in spring, summer and autumn. Usually, reactions are mild with an itching rash which goes away quickly. But if skin reactions after a Bee, Wasp or Hornet sting last more than 24-48 hours and are wider than 10...
The Mediterranean diet, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2010, is the perfect balance between humanistic and scientific culture. This lifestyle guarantees the correct daily supply of nutrients, perfectly reconciling with local gastronomic traditions. Among the...
An energy independent weather stations network, distributed in a wide area, whose nodes communicate, exchange information and data, and perform workload balancing through computational offloading based on battery level in order to keep alive all the nodes. The solar...
The organization Science Communication – SciCo, in collaboration with the University of the Aegean, is celebrating the Mediterranean Researcher’s Night in Mytilene. On September 30th, from 10:00 to 13:00, the University will welcome more than 530 students...
7 stories have been selected for adaptation, representation and to be part of the II book of Tales from the Mednight. In alphabetical order of the work are included with the name of the author: El balĂłn en la biblioteca...
The “green” design approach is essential for the construction of lightweight structures and sustainable mobility. The use of lightweight materials is an innovative aspect of this approach; it allows the replacement of classic materials with new materials....