More than 800 students from 17 educational centers connected to the virtual meeting in the Spanish-language room, in which 8 researchers showed their research in an educational and entertaining way. The day began with a welcome to the meeting by María Carmen Perea, director of MUDIC, the entity in charge of organizing the event. Next, Lucas Damián Alaniz presented “Artificial brains in space: AI that explores new worlds.”; Marina Cano, Feeding the future! Safer and more sustainable alternative proteins in aquaculture; Adrián de la Fuente Ballesteros, Can Chemistry Help Us Know if Bees Are in Danger?; Marta Vázquez, “Are there bacteria in my intestine?”; Yelko Rodríguez, “Contaminants in food: cause for concern?”; Javier Hernández, “Radioactivity that Cures: The Power of Radiopharmaceuticals in the Detection and Treatment of Diseases”; María Ángeles Morcillo, “Microorganisms even in soup” and Berenice Bernal “CRYOCHICK, preserving bird sperm”.