On the occasion of the “International Day of Light”, May 20th. from 9:00 to 16:30 at the Accademia dei Pericolanti in Palazzo Università – Piazza S. Pugliatti 1 – Messina, the workshop “Light interactions with low-dimensional systems: from research to industrial applications” has been organized in collaboration between MEDNIGHT project and the OPTICA and EPS Young Minds scientific associations, with the sponsorship of University of Messina and IPCF of Italian CNR.
The workshop has been devoted to scholars and researchers, PhD students in Physics and students of the bachelor and master’s degree courses in Physics, and selected groups of students of STEM courses in upper secondary institutions.
Together with traditional talk and poster sessions, the students of STEM high schools have also profited of experiments especially designed to be performed during the conference.
An awarding ceremony has also been held, to give a prize to the three best posters.
About 60 people attended to the event.