Botanical tour of the San Vicente del Raspeig campus that will highlight some of the species that are part of the university campus landscaping. Plants that have a story to tell us and that will do so through the faculty and researchers of the Botany and Plant Conservation Research Group.
Recorrido botánico por el campus de San Vicente del Raspeig que pondrá en valor algunas de las especies que forman parte del ajardinamiento del campus universitario. Plantas que tienen una historia que contarnos y que lo harán a través del profesorado e investigadores del Grupo Investigación de Botánica y Conservación Vegetal.
Plastics are a source of pollution. By collecting samples and analyzing them, the viewer will be able to know the degree of contamination of our coasts.
Los plásticos son fuente de contaminación. Mediante la recogida de muestras y el análisis de las mismas, el telespectador podrá saber el grado de contaminación de nuestras costas.
What does Geography study? Is it considered STEM? Have there been outstanding female geographers throughout history? What were the first female geographers? Is the feminine presence notable in today's Geography? All these questions are answered in this video.
¿Qué estudia la Geografía? ¿Es considerada STEM? ¿Ha habido geógrafas destacadas a lo largo de la historia? ¿Cuáles fueron las primeras geógrafas? ¿Es notable la presencia femenina en la Geografía actual? Todas estas preguntas son contestadas en este vídeo.
Collection of experiments and scientific demonstrations that will help you to know a little more about gases: how to measure the mass of air, make carbon dioxide, measure the volume of air and check that air takes up space. Can air be forceful? How to extinguish the candles of the birthday scientifically and free of coronavirus? Do gases have the same properties as solids and liquids?, Among other experiments.
Colección de experimentos y demostraciones científicas que ayudarán a conocer un poco más a los gases: cómo medir la masa de aire, fabricar dióxido de carbono, medir el volumen del aire y comprobar que el aire ocupa espacio. ¿El aire puede hacer fuerza? ¿Cómo apagar las velas del cumple científicamente y libre de coronavirus? ¿Los gases tienen las mismas propiedades que los sólidos y los líquidos?, entre otros experimentos.
Join our Science in the City 2021- Sowing Seeds festival at Valletta this year! 🤩
This year's theme is Sowing Seeds, aiming to actively engage citizens in the society and environment through research, science and arts.
Get your free ticket for our different events from this link:
Our real-world program will be spread across several venues. To book a slot, please click on each event then register and fill in your details. The description of the event is indicated in each slot.
OR go to our website:
You can also book one of our pre-festival events from here:
Video Illustrations Credit: Bethany Borg
Join our Live Virtual Science in the City 2021- Sowing Seeds festival this year! 🤩
This year's theme is Sowing Seeds, aiming to actively engage citizens in the society and environment through research, science and arts.
You can join our Live Virtual Festival from anywhere in the world by booking your ticket here:
OR go to our website:
You can also book one of our pre-festival events from here:
Video Illustrations Credit: Bethany Borg