With the activity “Researchers back to school”, MEDNIGHT encourages researchers to return to the Museum where they have grown and learned. On the occasion of the Christmas holidays, we have made a special edition, which we have named “Researchers’ back home”. In it, the researcher Miguel Escudero Abenza has returned to the MUDIC Jesús Carnicer, the museum that was and always will be his home, in a very emotional meeting with a lot of science.

During the morning of January 2, the physicist Miguel Escudero Abenza spoke to us about his work as a cosmologist at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). We were also able to personally congratulate Miguel Pérez Grao and his MUDIClub team for their selection, among the best proposals presented and awarded, to the CERN “Beamline” competition for the project and video that we present below.