On April 3rd, Marina Rincón, researcher at Miguel Hernández University, gave a talk to the students of Virgen de las Virtudes School of Cox.
Degree in Natural Environment Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and then I did a Master in Wildlife Management at the University of Murcia. She began her professional career as an environmental educator in a river restoration project in Tragsatec, then worked as an engineer in the company Tragsa in the restoration of a section of the Manzanares river.
She holds a PhD on the long-term study of herbivorous relationships and vegetation in a context of climate change at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. It was an exercise of equality where women scientists were given visibility and their important contribution to progress. The students could check on how the ecology and the study about the human activity on imbalances in the environment, with repercussions on our own daily lives are an importan issue.