In the framework of the “Researchers at School” Transactivity, University of Messina promote a webinar, devoted to High School students, focused on Mediterranean Land.
Due to COVID restrictions, the event will be performed online, through the Unime Teams platform, at the link:
During the webinar some Researchers of the University of Messina will describe to students some of major concerns about Mediterranean Land future and in particular they will highlight the problem of microplastic pollution in the food chain, and the possibility of reducing the emergency of the CO2 – induced overheating.
Furthermore, the correct ambiental behavior will be promoted, and some specific survey will be administered to the participants, with the aim to evaluate their awareness about environmental protection.
At the end of the webinar, the challenge will be launched: students can participate to it by sending photos or videos related to Mediterranean pollution, describing simple experiments devoted to reduce contamination or video spots promoting environmental education.
The students’ contributions can be sent to the Instagram account @medchallengeita until 18th September 2022: the three better contributions, selected by a jury, will get a prize, and the best one will participate to an international challenge.