I gut the power: the power of food for the microbiota
Humans live with many microorganisms that are found in different parts of our body and that greatly influence our health. For example, we have bacteria on our skin, mouth, hands… but where we can find more bacteria is in the intestine. The set of all these microorganisms is known as microbiota.
At the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC) we study the intestinal microbiota and how it can change according to our diet, other lifestyle factors and the state of health in which we find ourselves. We have prepared several interactive activities with which children and adults will learn about what the microbiota is, the different types of bacteria that form it and the material we use in the laboratory to study it. In addition, with these games the little ones will learn the foods and healthy lifestyle habits that benefit the intestinal microbiota and, therefore, their health.