On Thursday, March 6, a group of about 80 2nd year ESO students visited CINQUIMA (University Institute Center for Innovation in Chemistry and Advanced Materials) as part of the school visits organized by the MEDNIGHT project.
The visit, coordinated by the researcher Adrián De la Fuente Ballesteros, included talks, workshops and a tour of the facilities.
After welcoming the students, three talks were given to all attendees: “Lines of the TESEA Research Group” by Silvia Valverde, “Girls in Science” by Kemi F. Oriade and “Curiosities About Bees” by Adrián de la Fuente.
The students were then divided into two subgroups to carry out two simultaneous workshops. In the candle-making workshop, students learned how to make candles with beeswax, which they took home as a gift at the end. In the microscopy workshop, they practiced with a microscope to learn about the determination of microplastics in honey and learned about a project carried out in this area related to the impact on women’s health.
Finally, during the tour of the CINQUIMA institute, they went to the CINQUIMA building, where they visited the facilities and laboratories in the areas of Analytical, Organic, Physical and Inorganic Chemistry.