On 11th February 2025, in the occasion of the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science”, the Campagna Room of the Department of Political and Legal Sciences of the University of Messina hosted an event devoted to 120 pupils of primary schools “Catalfamo” and “Leopardi – Leone XIII”.

In particular, two female researchers discussed with pupils: Francesca Perrini introduced “The Science as a Human Right” and Anna Paola Capra discussed about “Discovering DNA”.
Also, two stories from the book “Tales from MEDNIGHT” have been read to pupils.
After these two workshops, an event took place in the courtyard, involving pupils in experiments, exhibitions, demonstrations, quiz and contest about science topics, all ran by female researchers
P. Accordino, S. De Marco, M.V. Serranò
M.C. Gugliandolo, E. De Salvo, M. Gallo, C. Laganà
T. Franchina
L. Lo Re, Y. Lascala, A. Ravenda, G. Parrino, I. Ullo, C. Lapi, F. Mediati, L. Giuffré, D. Giosa
L. Sorrenti, P. Filippello, C. Caparello, C. F. Meduri, A. Fumia, G. Raineri, M. Trebbia, S. J. Curatola, H. Danesvalle, A. Andaloro, M. M. Arigò, Costantino, C. De Angelis, A. Di Gregorio, A. Foti, L. Scaffidi Argentina, O. Tidona, M. Venniro
A.Arangio, D. Aliberti, L. Buscema, S. Carbone, E. Di Blasi, F. Martines, N. Messina
C. Parrinello, F. Amadore, B. Cambria,P. Corvaja, M. Crisafulli, S. Gentiluomo