The two MEDNIGHT exhibitions dedicated to Mediterranean women in science were exhibited on May 24th, 25th and 26th during the grassroots culture festival ‘Alacant Desperta’. The festival is a meeting point for locals and visitors to Alicante where they can give free rein to the wide variety of cultural and intergenerational proposals that exist in the city in a disinterested way, where more than 300 artistic expressions have demonstrated the local talent that exists in Alicante. 

With a line-up full of exciting proposals during its three days of celebration, the Tossal featured the exhibitions ‘Mediterranean Women for Health’ and ‘Mediterranean Faces of Science’. The MEDNIGHT exhibitions, located in a strategic enclave within the Monte Tossal, the venue for the event, were highly appreciated by both the organisers and the visitors.

The collective ‘Alacant Desperta’ has been active since 2003 and demonstrates the power that citizens have to organise and self-manage themselves, as well as the importance of free artistic expression of the human being, which, far from the cultural industry, becomes a vital necessity with which to channel emotions. Thus, more than 1500 people have actively participated in the festival, as part of the organisation, artistic team or as volunteers, for an edition that nearly 20,000 people have attended. 

Screening of the documentary ‘The Ports of Science’ at the Ateneu-Popular del Pla Carolines

On Thursday, 30th May, the first episode of the documentary ‘MEDNIGHT Expedition Mednight: The Ports of Science’ was screened at the Ateneo in the Carolines – El Pla neighbourhood. Neighbours learned about the problems facing the Mediterranean through the testimony of scientists from Denia, Mallorca, Cagliari, Messina, Palermo and Catania. After the screening, an impromptu debate took place in which the participants gave their points of view and what it had contributed to them, from “stopping seeing the Mediterranean as a gap but as a point of union” to the informative nature of the film, which ‘makes us understand very well the problems and commitments that citizens must undertake’, in the words of the audience.

Pictures by Adrián Chacón