E-ResLab Aegean

E-ResLab Aegean

The e-ResLab Aegean is the online Observatory of Technologies and Analyses for Employment and Resilience in the Euro-Med area. The particular objectives of the e-ResLab Aegean are – To study of spatial dimension of the employment transformation. The Observatory...
The wonderful Marine World

The wonderful Marine World

The Department of Marine Sciences of the Aegean University has designed a workshop about the presentation of characteristic representatives of marine microorganisms, marine flora and macro-fauna species using stereoscopes and microscopes The workshop will be held for...
Audio recording

Audio recording

The Department of Cultural Technology and Communication of the Aegean University has designed a workshop about the brief presentation of the research interests of the Laboratory of Image, Sound and Cultural Representation on audio recording and digital audio editing....
Demonstration of oceanographic equipment and services

Demonstration of oceanographic equipment and services

The Department of Oceanography and Marine Sciences of the Aegean University has designed a demonstration of oceanographic equipment and services. The demostration will be held for the general public in a central location of Mytilene city (Sappho Square) Organizer:...
Wild bees and other pollinators on the flowers of my homeplace

Wild bees and other pollinators on the flowers of my homeplace

The Department of Geography of the Aegean University has organised an interactive tour of the art exhibition entitled “Wild bees and other pollinators on the flowers of my homeplace”. The art exhibition will be open for the general public at at the ΦΕΜ...